PE kit is plain navy jogging bottoms (not leggings) or shorts, a white polo shirt and a plain navy blue hoodie or school jumper. No logos should be worn. Please remove earrings/studs or cover with tape before coming to school.
- 19th April - Cricket sessions begin every Friday until 24th May.
- 22nd April - Science Workshops
- 22nd April - Earth Day
- 23rd April - St George's Day (wear red - mufti day)
- 24th April - PTFA pre-loved uniform sale
- 25th April - Escapeline workshop (parent session at 2pm)
- 6th May - Bank holiday (school closed)
- 10th May - PTFA Non-uniform day (bring a donation of a bottle for the bottle tombola)
- 15th May - Bee Keeper visit to Y3
- 23rd May - PTFA School Disco
- 24th May - last day before half term (3pm finish)
- 27th May - 31st May - half-term
- 3rd June - Inset day (no children in school)
- 5th June - World Environment day
- 14th June - PTFA Marvellous Males Workshop (£3 donation per child)
- 14th June - Significant Father's/Male Figures Celebration event (KS2 - 2pm)
- 21st June - Feast of St Aloysius (wear blue, white & yellow - £1 donation)
- 25th June - Sports day (KS1 am, KS2 pm)
- 27th June - Meet the teacher day (Pre-School-Y5)
- 2nd July - Sports day reserve day
- 6th July - PTFA Summer Fair
- Tuesday 23rd July - last day of summer term