The School will:
- Care for your child’s safety, happiness, spiritual and moral development.
- Encourage your child to do her/his best at all times and achieve her/his full potential.
- Encourage your child to take care of her/his surroundings and of others around them.
- Keep you informed about your child’s progress and other school matters
- Provide an inspiring curriculum including opportunities to learn at home.
- Be open and welcoming at all time and offer opportunities for you to become involved in the life of the school
The family will:
- Make sure my child arrives at school on time and properly equipped
- Ensure my child attends school regularly, and provide the school with a prompt explanation when my child is absent
- Work with the school to promote and maintain the good behaviour of my child.
- Support my child with homework and other opportunities for home learning
- Attend, when possible, opportunities to discuss my child’s progress
- Communicate appropriately with the school and refrain from making comments about the school on social network sites.