Christ The King Catholic Primary

Year Page

Welcome to Year 4
This is our joint area where you will find the latest news, letters, curriculum overviews, key dates and other key information.
Miss  Skelton

Miss Skelton


Mr  Watson

Mr Watson


- Doors open at 8:30am and close at 8:40am. 
 - Pick up is at 3:10pm.
- Homework is set on a Friday and is due in the following Thursday. 
- Our PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Year Overview:
Home Learning Links:

2025 Upcoming dates:

20th January - Escapeline in school workshop plus Parent workshop

22nd January - Tennis taster session

29th January - PTFA Uniform sale

6th February - Parent book look

11th and 12th February - Parent Consultations 3.30-6

13th February - PTFA Silent Disco

17th-21st February - Half-term

3rd-7th March - Book week

5th March - Winchester Science Museum visit

11th March - Science Dome visit to school

17th  March - St Patrick's Day - wear green

20th April - Break up for Easter Holiday

Please read the information below which clarifies our homework expectations:
Home Learning
We expect all children to read for at least 10 minutes daily and have a reading signature in their diary each day to evidence this. We will be checking for 4 signatures every week.
Times Tables
At the end of Year 4, every child will be tested on their times tables knowledge called the MTC test. It is vital that the children are getting daily practice. Children are expected to use Times Tables Rockstars for at least 30 minutes a week.