Christ The King Catholic Primary

Year Page

Welcome to Year 5
This is our joint area where you will find the latest news, letters, Curriculum Overviews, key dates and other key information.
Mr  Doherty

Mr Doherty


Mrs  Monk

Mrs Monk


Year 5 Team:
Teachers - Mr Doherty and Mrs Monk

 2025 Upcoming dates:
20th January - Escapeline in school workshop plus Parent Workshop
22nd January - Tennis taster session
29th January - PTFA Uniform sale
6th February - Parent book look
7th February - Leeson House information meeting
11th and 12th February - Parent Consultations 3.30-6
13th February - PTFA Silent Disco
17th-21st - February Half-term
24th February - Staff INSET Day
3rd-7th March - Book Week
11th March - Science Dome visit to school
12th-14th March - Leeson House residential
17th March - St Patrick's Day - wear green
20th March - Class photos
4th April - Break up for Easter Holiday
Curriculum Overviews