At Christ the King school, we welcome everyone and aim to treat every individual with love, care and respect.
Prayer is an important part of our daily routine and we regularly gather together for worship as a class group, year group, key stage or whole school group each week.
Religious Education is taught within the context of the National curriculum. Whilst all schools make provision for R.E. within the curriculum, in a Catholic school it is treated as a core subject and as a result, we aim to devote 10% curriculum time to this subject. This means that the total time for explicit R.E. teaching at Christ the King is: 2 hours for KS1 AND 2.5 hours for KS2.
Currently, the programme followed in RE lessons is called ‘Come and See’. Reception and Year 3 are following the RED Curriculum, which will be rolled out across the school over the next two years. A newsletter is sent home each term giving more detailed information along with important dates within the Church calendar.
Within this programme, we also spend some time on each unit learning about other Faiths.