
Welcome to Christ The King Catholic Primary

Christ the King School is a Catholic Primary School Academy – servicing the parish of Holy Family (Christ the King, Kinson & St. Bernadette’s, Ensbury Park) and St. Anthony’s, West Moors. The school is in the Diocese of Plymouth and is part of the Catholic & Anglican Schools Trust (CAST)

The school caters for 300 plus children and has a Pre-School. 

At the end of Year 6 our children transfer to secondary school. Our school feeds into St. Peter’s R.C. Comprehensive School in Bournemouth, providing children with the opportunity of having a catholic education from 3 to 18 years!  A proportion of children also go to local secondary schools and grammar schools in Bournemouth and Poole.

The school is set behind the Church of Christ the King and benefits from extensive grounds – with Pre-School & Reception play areas, 2 playgrounds and a large field.

https://m.facebook.com/ChristtheKingKinson/ Please follow our Parish Link to view on Facebook the livestream of Sunday Mass.



 Please see our new Early Years video - this can be found by clicking on the link in the toolbar above named 'Parents' and then 'Admissions'
Thank you.
Click on the link below to view our main CtK video to find out more about our school.


School Terms and Holiday Dates for the

Academic Year 2024/2025



Autumn Term



Tuesday 3rd September to Friday 20th December 2024


Half Term



Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November 2024

Christmas Holiday

Monday 23rd December 2024 to Friday 3rd January 2025


Spring Term


 Monday 6th January to Friday 4th April 2025


Half Term


 Monday 17th to Friday 21st February 2025

Easter Holidays 

Monday 7th April to Monday 21st April 2025


Summer Term


Tuesday 22nd April to Tuesday 22nd July 2025


Half Term


 Monday 26th May to Friday 30th May 2025






Bank Holiday Monday



Good Friday: 18th April 2025,

Easter Sunday: 20th April 2025    

Easter Monday: 21st April 2025


Monday 5th May 2025


The Trust has approved additional staff development days when the school will be closed; the dates have been confirmed for five, these are:


Staff Training Days: 

  1.     Monday 2nd September 2024
  2.     Friday 13th September 2024
  3.     Friday 25th October 2024
  4.     Monday 24th February 2025
  5.     Monday 2nd June 2025


Author Visit
We had an incredible visit from Maz Evans, the author of the 'Who Let The Gods Out?' 


Learning together in faith, hope and love.”

Welcome to our wonderful school!  I am extremely proud to be the Headteacher of Christ the King Catholic Primary School and I am passionate about everyone doing their very best for this much-loved school. The fundamental aim of our school, and the very reason for our existence, is to enable each child who attends to be all that they can be - to embrace and fulfil their unique, God given potential. 


We are very proud of the Catholic faith foundation of our school and work very hard to ensure that the Gospel Values permeate both our daily life and the curriculum we deliver; we ensure these values are reflected in our environment and how we relate to one another. We are an inclusive school and welcome pupils from all backgrounds, there are no barriers to our welcome.


Christ the King Catholic School is a member of Plymouth CAST – a Multi-Academy Trust of Catholic schools within the Roman Catholic Diocese of Plymouth. 


Our school is a warm, happy and successful place. Visit and you will see many smiling faces in the classrooms and hear laughter down the corridors. Pupils enjoy many opportunities to learn creatively and both indoors and outdoors, developing enquiring minds and a desire to enter this world as compassionate leaders.


At Christ the King School, we are committed to enabling every child to learn to speak well, to read and write with understanding and flair and to be able to use numbers to calculate and solve problems. These basic skills are non-negotiable and are taught systematically, every day in school by our highly skilled teachers. We endeavour to stretch all children beyond their current limits, fostering high expectations of what can be achieved. “Perfect practice really does make perfect.” 


At the very heart of our teaching, we explicitly promote the principles of Catholic Social Teaching – care for each other, care for God’s creation, human dignity, solidarity and preference for the poor. Unlocking potential and removing barriers to learning is the commitment of our school. We work in partnership with all our families to make high aspirations a reality for every child. 


I hope that the information on our website is useful to you and that you can find everything you need to know. We look forward to working with your child, yourself and your family. We will work together to make your child’s school life as meaningful and enjoyable as possible and prepare them for secondary school and beyond.


“Love is patient,
love is kind.
It does not envy,
it does not boast,
it is not proud.

1 Corinthians 13:4

Mrs Melanie Lord


Early Years Introduction video