
Year 5 Page - 2019/20

Welcome to Year 5.
By now we hope you are all enjoying this glorious sunshine!  The summer break comes, of course, at the end of a more challenging year than we expected.   Well done to everyone that managed to complete tasks to the very end of the academic year - it was far from easy.  We are sure all of you were busy learning in different ways and look forward to hearing all about your experiences in September.
Over the summer break we have set a number of basic skills tasks, mainly related to maths but it will be good for you, of course, to keep reading.  Reading wonderful stories should help you relax as you enjoy the summer.  Continuing to read, write and enjoy maths will really help you in September when you are back in school.  
We would also like you to do some research about your class birds and will send another message about this so please do look out for it.
Have a really relaxing summer.  
Best wishes
Year 5 Team.
Week beginning: 19th June, learning at home.
Religious Education
A time to reflect, a time to pray and a time to meditate.
Our Mission- art activity linked to the Holy Trinity.
Physical Education.
A great way for your daily 30 minute PE lesson.
Daily reading to yourself or an adult or Lexia.     
Bug Club (Password-   Read1234    School code-  76a6 ).
Lexia       (Password-   Reading  ).
One reading comprehension a week- see PowerPoint- Text: 'Fantastic Fabulous Five Palm Hotel. 
DEAR- Drop it all and read by Mrs Perry.
TT Rockstars x 15 minutes. Let the challenge commence.
MyMaths/ Eschools- Fraction- improper and mixed. 
Set on a Monday complete by Wednesday,
Set on a Wednesday complete by Friday. 
My Maths (christ2       divide276)
Eschools- find a copy of latest maths home learning- maths sheet 28 and arithmetic 1 due in 19th June.
Doodle maths x15 minutes
One week writing topic- generate vocabulary, organising ideas, include writing target and then produce an advert to persuade- Benin.
SPAG- see eschools-  Comparatives and Superlatives.
Remember to submit your home learning using either 'eschool', Twitter, Whistle Messaging. We look forward to marking and reading your comments. We will send home learning back with suggestion on areas that can be purpled penned. We hope you will enjoy.
Have fun Mrs Ayton, Mr Cooper and Mrs Perry.
Year 5 Team:
Teachers: Ms Ayton & Mr Cooper / Mrs Perry (Reading)
TAs: Mr Hancox & Mrs Rodriguez
Find enclosed a list of 22 activities you could do to promote your
well-being and mindfulness. 
Curriculum Overviews/ Newsletters