
Class Music

Welcome back to a new School Year!   
As ever, many exciting things are planned.  Year 3 will soon start their Recorder lessons and Year 5 are starting to learn the Treble Recorder.
Year 4 will learn to play the Ukulele after Christmas and are really looking forward to it.
As ever, our Music Hub "Soundstorm" are helping us plan some other exciting activities including inviting performers into our school to inspire the children.
Here's to an exciting year!
Concert Week  Summer 2021
What a fabulous week of concerts we had!  All the children really did themselves proud and there was some beautiful singing and playing.   It was so lovely to have "live" music again and to be able to perform to an audience.
Here are the links to the films of the concerts:
Reception: https://youtu.be/4Ai706n0Tdg
Year 1:   https://youtu.be/b6DcMj-I-Mw
Year 2     https://youtu.be/k8Y1XbaNvNA
Year 3      https://youtu.be/0rzDBRVjiMg
Year 4      https://youtu.be/LRsvYDTfVjQ
Year 5   https://youtu.be/3mi4dycGrQ4
https://youtu.be/dgKiET0N62c.    Guitar Concert
Year 5 have been learning about how sounds can be changed using technology.  They have learnt about Synthesisers, Sampling and Looping music, including watching how the music for Shaun the Sheep was composed, using a computer programme, linked to a Keyboard.
To consolidate their learning, Year 5 produced a Soundscape, making music that described a poem about Outer Space.  They used an iPad App "Imaschine" as well as creating clusters with different Keyboard and Piano sounds.
On July 15th, Years 3 and 4 were treated to a concert by  Joe’s Jazz “Mambossa”. Everyone enjoyed it very much!
Well done Patrick in 6CP for some fantastic Electric Guitar playing!
Well done to Michael in 5S. Michael took part in Soundstorm’s “ Elevate” online Orchestra. Watch the performance here:https://youtu.be/Woavb7eVJJA