
Year Page

Welcome to Year 2
This is our joint area where you will find the latest news, letters, curriculum overviews, key dates and other key information.
Year 2 Team:
Mrs Sargeant (Parrots)
Miss Clothier (Toucans)
Supported by Mrs Baker (Tuesday tutoring) and Mrs White (HLTA.)
Key Year 2 Information:
  • PE lessons are on Mondays and Thursdays.  Please wear kits to school on these days.
  • Reading books get changed every MONDAY and THURSDAY. Please ensure your child has their Reading Journal in school on these days. 
  • Home Learning goes home on a FRIDAY and is due in on the following THURSDAY. 
Under the sea, plastic free ...
We all re-used a plastic bottle turning it into a fish which we then used within an underwater dance we helped to choreograph.  We also made mosaic, paper fish and a giant jelly fish (from an old umbrella!)